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Anker 1

On this page you can find descriptions for all posts within Bygginegniørenes Linjeforening. The main board consists of nine ordinary members, and up to nine non-ordinary members. The main boards ordinary members are chosen for their posts at the annual general assembly. The non-ordinary members are chosen by the regular members of the Linjeforening, usually at the general assembly.


The leader is the Linjeforening’s upper elected ambassador and is at all times responsible for the Linjeforening’s work in its entirety. The leader is the Linjeforening’s public face and keeps contact with other linjeforenings, and the Faculty of Science and Technology. The leader, together with the deputy leader, are in charge of announcing regularly board-meetings and the annual assembly once a year. The leader have to be present at the Study-trip group’s meetings.


The deputy leader of BIF is the leader’s right hand and in absence act in the leader’s place. The deputy leader has the overall responsibility for following up on the underlying posts. The deputy leader is responsible for the board-meetings being held after protocol, that the Linjeforening’s documents and archives are maintained, and that there at all times is an updated registry of regular members within the Linjeforening. This registry also includes honorary- and lifetime-members.


This post rules over BIF’s financial dispositions. From the statutes, the post has the following tasks:

  1. Reporting to the board and management in the Linjeforening

  2. Control over the economic consumption and profitability

  3. Assure that a safety-margin of 5000 NOK always are available, where the margin only can be exceeded by ordinary majority of the board

  4. Drafting budgets

  5. Yearly financial statements

The responsible also budgets single events, as well as keeping order of remunerations and outlays.


The contact is the leader for the Business-group and its business. The contact and the group shall at all times strive to make appointments with businesses and industries so that the Linjeforening regularly can hold company presentations. The contact is responsible for the Linjeforening’s sponsor deals. The business group are also responsible for contacting and communicating with acting and potential sponsors. Tasks like giving advice and opinions about sponsoring, create strategies for gaining and keeping sponsors, and attend meetings with sponsors are extremely important. The Business-group works in a team of four people.


The responsible is the leader of the PR-group and its business. The main task is to create attention and engagement around BIF’s business, find creative and efficient ways to advertise for BIF’s events, and be innovative within promotion. The post has the overall responsibility for social media where the Linjeforening is present (when a picture is shared on Instagram it always has to be shared on facebook as well) and is responsible for the official webside, and that it is updated regularly. The group has to make posters for events, company presentations, or posters with messages the Linjeforening wants to promote. Public Relations are in charge of design and ordering sweaters, rollups and other articles when there are new sponsors. The group is also in charge of taking pictures at events, inform the regular members about events and assist the board in marketing. The head of the group has to make sure all of the above tasks are completed, but can delegate these tasks within the group.  


The responsible is the leader of the Officials group (BIF’s friends), and BIF I.L and their tasks. The officials group business is described in the statutes:

The officials group consists of non-elected volunteers from the Linjeforening, who enroll themselves or are nominated by the leader for the group. There is a list over those who wish to join. This list also says something about whether or not the members have been helpful out when needed. As the other groups the officials group together has one vote in the board, which they agree on internally. The leader of the group represents their interests in the polls. The only one with a right to attend and speak at board-meetings is the leader, with exceptions.

  1. The officials are volunteers and decide on their own when they wish to assist

  2. There can be given benefits for those who have been active in the group


The responsible is the leader of the event group. They arrange social gatherings like the Fadderuke and single events for BIF. He or she has the overall responsibility for committees appointed by the main board with social contexts. They also keep contact and cooperation with other Linjeforening’s heads of the event group.


The Linjeforening has one student contact. The student contacts task is to create unity by being a link between students, teachers, the faculty, the Linjeforening and the board. This is being done by the student contact sitting in their respective board of the institute. The student contacts are the Linjeforening’s contacts in the issues of social-, professional-, and work-related questions. In social events the student contacts’ role is to inform of the Linjeforening’s work, and recruitment to the institutes, the Linjeforening and the Officials group.

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