About us!
The Constructional engineer association (BIF) was founded January 19th, 2010.
We are an association for everybody who study:
Building engineer Constructions (Konstruksjon)
Building engineer City planning (Byplanlegging)
Building engineer - Technical planning (Infrastruktur)
City planing and social security (Byplanlegging og samfunnssikkerhet)
This makes the engineering program Bygg (construction) at UIS, one of the more versatile building programs in Norway.
BIF was established to build a larger academic and social community between all of us studying at the University of Stavanger. An important goal for us is to strengthen the competence in the field of study, and therefore in cooperation with the institutes we are actively working with recruitment for our study programs at all events.
Our association’s supreme body is the General Assembly, which elects the board at the beginning of each year. The board consists of nine ordinary posts and and is supplemented by non-ordinary members. Voluntary students who do not feel they have the time to get involved, have the oppurtunity to join the Functionary group «BIF’s venner».
We work hard to make regional and national businesses present themselves to our students. This in order to gain insight into the workplace and at the same time during the studies create good connections between the students and the businesses.
The board consists of eight ordinary members, and up to six non-ordinary members. The eight ordinary members are elected to their posts at the annual General Assembly. The non-ordinary members are elected by the members of the association, often at the General Assembly.